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Пжста помогите срочно нужно!!!Дай 20 баллов!!Say what has happened. Example: Sam's car is clean (wash). Sam has washed his car. 1) Kate's plants look green

5-9 класс

and fres (water) 2) Mum's bedroom window is opened. (open) 3) Mary knows what the film is about. (watch) 4) My friends know what the British Museum's like. (visit) 5) Emma's hair is clean and shiny. (wash) 6) The Smiths know where they'll spend their weekend. (decided 7) Jake's supper is ready. (cook) 8) Mary's friends are in London. (arrive in) 9) Peter is wearing different clothes now. (change) 10) The sisters are enjoying a wonderful new book. (discover) где начинается say with это задание,но я думаю вы поймете!Помогите завтра контрольная по англ

Nessiangelkal 19 дек. 2013 г., 0:47:34 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 дек. 2013 г., 3:15:34 (10 лет назад)

1) Kate's plants look green and fresh (water) Kate has watered her plants.
2) Mum's bedroom window is opened. (open) Mum has opened her bedroom window.
3) Mary knows what the film is about. (watch) Mary has watched the film.
4) My friends know what the British Museum's like. (visit) My friends have visited the British Museum.
5) Emma's hair is clean and shiny. (wash) Emma has washed her hair.
6) The Smiths know where they'll spend their weekend. (decided ) The Smiths have decided where they'll spend their weekend.
7) Jake's supper is ready. (cook) Jake has cooked supper.
8) Mary's friends are in London. (arrive in) Mary's friends have arrived in London.
9) Peter is wearing different clothes now. (change) Peter has changed his clothes.
10) The sisters are enjoying a wonderful new book.

+ 0 -
19 дек. 2013 г., 5:59:55 (10 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
19 дек. 2013 г., 7:54:17 (10 лет назад)

Комментарий удален


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Нужно составить рассказ на английском, как я провел лето

Пожалуйста, помогите! Откройте скобки. Используйте Present Continuous, Present Indefinite и Present Perfect. 1. Kate has a clean bandage

on her left leg. (She / to burn it / recently / to place / under a cold tap / to put a clean bandage on it / ).

2. Mike is in shoke now. (We / to wrap a jacket around him / to give him a warm drink / ).

3. Dan has broken his hand. (As usually / he / not to move it / and / to keep it still / we / to send for an ambulance / ).

Пожалуйста, помогите!

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Люди ПОМОГИТЕ срочно!!!нужно написать 2 текста 7 предложений.1 ТЕКСТ моя любимая еда - my favourite dish.2 ТЕКСТ моя любимая знаменитость(рассказ про неё и

о внешности её )-celebraty. Эти два текста нужно на 7 предложений срочно ПЛИЗЗЗЗЗ!!!

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