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Дополните предложения словами much, many, few, little. 1. He is not very popular. He has…friends. 2. Ann is very busy these days She, has…free time. 3.

5-9 класс

I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got….to do. 4. Most of the town is modern. There are …..old buildings. 5. We must be quick. We have ….time.

саня4768 24 дек. 2013 г., 17:38:36 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 дек. 2013 г., 18:11:29 (10 лет назад)

1)few ( He is NOT popular)





many- означает много, употребляеться с исчисляемыми сущ. much- с неисчисл

few- означает мало, употрс исчисл ,little- означает мало, употр  с неисчисл сущ. few- с исчисл

+ 0 -
24 дек. 2013 г., 19:35:13 (10 лет назад)

1. Many.


3. Much.

4. Little.

5. Few.


Другие вопросы из категории

Answer the questions.

1. Were you ill last week?
2. Where were you an hour ago?
3. Your breakfast was tasty, wasn't it?
4. It wasn't 24th January yesterday, was it?
5. Was it hot or cold yesterday?
6. Who was late for school yesterday?
7. Were you happy yesterday? Why? / Why not?

Читайте также

1.Katya has got ... letter from James,s classmstes. a)mahy b) a little c) much 2.Dima spends ... time at his dacha. a)a few b) many c) a lot of 3.After

summer there are ... clanges in my classroom. a) a little b)a few c) much 4.There are ... museums in London he didn,t visit a) a little b) much c) a few 5.His English is not very good. He knows only ... English words a) mach b)many c) a lettle

6. My friend has ... homwork every day. a)much b) many c) a few

Нужно вставить much, many, few, little, a few, a little. There is ... water in the cup. Have you ... free time?

Have you ... lessons to-day? I rest ... when I come home from my work. I read....

1)Complete the sentences with the correct words.

Katya has got ...letters from James's classmates.
a)many b) a little c)much
2)Dima spends ...time at his dacha.
a) a few b) many c) a lot of
3)After summer there are...changes in my classroom.
a) a little b) a few c) much
4)There are ...museums in London he didn't visit
a) a little b) much c) a few
5)His English is not very good.
He knows only ...English words.
a) many b) many c) a few
6)My friend has...homework every day.
a) much b) many c) a few

Помогите,плиз,очень надо!!!

Fill in the gap with much, many, few, little.
1. He's got... information to be able to make this important decision.
2. How ... work has been done?
3. He's got very .. furniture in his room. It's nearly empty.
4. This shop hasn't got... different teas. We'd better go to the supermarket.
5. How.. money did you spend on your new T-shirt?
6. I'm proud of you. You've made very... mistakes in your test.

Сократите текст

uschestvuet beautiful legend about Valentine's Day.
St. Valentine lived in Rome in the third century AD. While Claudius was emperor of Rome. He was not very popular, because he was trying to get more and more people for his army. Men do not want to go into the army, and Claudius thought it was due to the fact that they did not want to leave their wives and children. "If they do not get married, they will go into the army," he thought, and a law was passed that forbade marriage.
Valentine was a Christian priest, who did not like the new law. He secretly married people who were in love. One night, the soldiers of the Emperor caught him and put him in prison. Valentin was going to die.
Many young people feel sorry for Valentine's Day and visited him in prison. One of them was the daughter of a prison guard. On the day of his execution, Valentine wrote a note to her and signed it "With love from Valentine." It was February 14, the 269 BC ..
Since February 14 - love when people send love letters and gifts to each other. They do not sign their name cards, but write "Guess Who" or "Your Valentine."
First it was the European tradition, but then it became popular in other countries. She came to Russia, too, but many people say, "If you love someone, you have to show it every day, not just one day a year."

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