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Перевидите пожалуйста текст и как читается по русски ------например dog-дог

1-4 класс

Complete the story with the words from the box.

Yesterday Baby Elephant had a birthday party. He was six. His friends came to his house. The little Tigers gave him six bags of nice sweets. The little Lions brought a big ... of chocolates. The little Monkeys gave six yellow bananas. Baby Elephant and his friends had a merry party.

Ekabudina 20 февр. 2015 г., 17:08:16 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 февр. 2015 г., 19:56:48 (9 лет назад)

Вчера у маленького Слоника был День Рождения. Ему исполнилось шесть. Друзья пришли к нему домой. Маленькие тигры подарили ему шесть пакетов сладостей. Малыши-львы принесли большое ... (?) количество шоколада. Обезьяны подарили шесть желтых бананов. Малыш-Слоник и его друзья устроили веселую вечеринку. Они собирали паззлы, наблюдали за звездами, фотографировались, танцевали и пели песни. Они также ели вкусный праздничный торт. Малыш-слоник съел шесть (?) кусков торта и выпил шесть (?) кружек чая, шесть (?) стаканов сока, (?) воды. Он был счастлив.

P.S. Где вопросительные - там многоточие, возможно нужно вставить слова.

Естэдэй бэби элефант хэд э бездэй пати. Хи воз сыкс. Хиз фрэндс кейм ту хиз хаус. Зэ литл тайгес гейв хим сыкс бэгс оф найс свитс. Зэ литл лайонс брат э биг (?) оф чоклэтс. Зэ литл манкис гейв сыкс йеллоу бананас. Бэйби Элефант энд хиз фрэндс хэд э мэрри пати. Зэй рлейд паззлз, вотчед зэ старс, тук фотос, дэнсд энд сэнг сонгс. Зэй алсо хэд э тэйсти бездэй кейк. Бэйби элефант эйт сыкс ... оф кейк энд дранк сыкс ... оф ти, ... оф джус, ... оф вотэ... Хи воз хэппи.


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите пожалуйста вставить пропущеные слова в тексте Vera: I've got some flour and some butter, and two lemons. What can I make?

Jill: Have you got....sugar?
Vera: Yes.I see the sugar on the shelf.
Jill: That's good. You can make a lemon cake.Put ....flour and the sugar in a bowl.Heat the butter in.... frying pan and add to the bowl. Cut the lemons with a knife and add the lemons in.... bowl.Add a little salt and mix them together with.... spoon.Cook.... cake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Помогите пожалуйста решить задания.

Задайте общие вопросы
1. She worked at school.
2.They worked in an office.
3.They played chess.
4.They wanted to work.
5.He washed his hands.

Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
1.They worked in a plant.
2.She helped her brother.
3.It wanted to run.
4.He player with his puppy.
5.They watched TV

Задайте общие вопросы.
1.He took a shower in the morning.
2.We had supper.
3.He said it to his friend.
4.They came home.
5.She took the toy.

Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
1.They had fish for breakfast.
2.They said that.
3.He took her bag.
4.She went to school.
5.She gave him the bike.


My sister is...ststudent.She comes.....home at
a)the a
The train arrives....Rome....4p.m
is there...garden

вставь пропущенные слова: some,any,no.

1)-----Would you like apple juice?
------Yes, please.I`d love .
2)-----Have you got apples?
------No,sorry.I haven`t got apples.But I
------I`m afraid, I don`t want oranges.I would like apples.
3)-----Mag,is there bread at home?
-----No,there is ________________ bread at home.
-----I hope you`ll go and buy some.
14 баллов

Читайте также

Переведите пожалуйста текст и как читается по русски например dog-дог

The King and the Cheese

Once upon a time in a faraway (далекой) country there Ii ved a king.
He lived in a beautiful palace. He had everything he liked. He liked cheese best of all. His cheese makers made the best cheese in all the land (на всей земле) .
Everyone in the palace could smell the cheese. Everyone in the town could smell the cheese. Everyone in the country could smell the cheese.
One day a little mouse smelled the cheese. He told all his friends about the cheese. Soon, every mouse in the country ran to the palace.
The mice were very happy. They lived in the palace and ate the king's cheese. But the king was not happy. He called his wise men (мудрецы) and asked them, "How can I get rid of (избавиться) these mice?" "That's easy," said the wise men. "We know how to get rid of them."
And the wise men brought in cats: big cats, little cats, fat cats, thin cats. The big cats, the little cats, the fat cats and the thin cats all began to chase (преследовать) the mice. They did very good work. Soon all the mice ran out of the palace.

Как читается стих ну например (dog- дог).

The Country and the City
Some people live in the city
Where the houses are very tall.
Some peope live in the country
Where the houses are very small.
But in the country where the houses are small,
The gardens are very big.
And in the cities where the houses are tall
There are no gardens at all.

напишите , пожалуйста как читать по русски и перевод.

cold, cloudy, windy,hot, sunny, snowy, warm, rainy, holliday, hollidays, to have a picnic,
to fiy a kite, to play hide-and-seek , large,sometimes, interesting ,go shopping, in the middle of, next to,under, behind, behing, between, on,above, in the left corner, in the right corner,country, in the country,capital, people,Great Britain,become, carry, thing, talk, caught, catch, make-made, be-was, come-came, draw-drew, meet-met, put-put, sing-sang, tell-told, bite, read-read, write-wrote, think-thought, run-ran

напишите , пожалуйста как читать понапишите , пожалуйста как читать по русски и перевод.

cold, cloudy, windy,hot, sunny, snowy, warm, rainy, holliday, hollidays, to have a picnic,
to fiy a kite, to play hide-and-seek , large,sometimes, interesting ,go shopping, in the middle of, next to,under, behind, behing, between, on,above, in the left corner, in the right corner,country, in the country,capital, people,Great Britain,become, carry, thing, talk, caught, catch, make-made, be-was, come-came, draw-drew, meet-met, put-put, sing-sang, tell-told, bite, read-read, write-wrote, think-thought, run-ran

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