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Напишите пожалуйста 8 придложений про Харьков! На Английском языке!

5-9 класс

Fgaedh 18 июня 2014 г., 21:22:17 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 июня 2014 г., 23:47:27 (9 лет назад)

Kharkiv is the second-largest city of Ukraine. Kharkiv is located in the northeastern region of Ukraine. Historically, Kharkiv lies in the Sloboda Ukraine region in which it is considered the main city. Kharkiv's climate is humid continental with cold and snowy winters, and hot summers. Kharkiv is a major cultural, scientific, educational, transport and industrial centre of Ukraine, with 60 scientific institutes, 30 establishments of higher education, 6 museums, 7 theatres and 80 libraries. Its industry specializes primarily in machinery. There are hundreds of industrial companies in the city.Kharkiv was a host city for the UEFA Euro 2012, and hosted 3 group matches in Metalist Stadium.

+ 0 -
19 июня 2014 г., 2:46:00 (9 лет назад)

Kharkov is the largest city in eastern Ukraine.

The modern city was founded around 1654.

In the city of 142 research institutes and 45 universities.

In 2012 he was one of the four cities of Ukraine, the championship of Europe.

The town consists of nine administrative districts.

Kharkiv City Council decided to expand the city.

Streets will carry the name of the historical character.

Currently in Kharkiv 69 universities prepare specialists of different forms of ownership. ovremenny Kharkоv - one of the largest transportation hubs in the country.

 Kharkоv is a very interesting city, there are many museums, theaters


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Ann:Do you like travelling?

BilhYes, I like travelling very much. It is my hobby. I always take my camera with me

and take pictures of everything that interests me: the ruins of ancient buildings, the sights

of cities, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, waterfalls and even animals and birds.

Ann: What countries have you visited?

Bill:Well, I have been to Italy, Greece, Russia and India. Some day I will go to the

United States. My cousin lives there. She has invited me several times already. When I

have enough money, I will go to the States.

Ann:I have never been to any of these countries. When were you in Russia?

Bill:Two years ago.

Ann:Did you go there alone?

Bill:No, I went there with my father. We visited Moscow and St Petersburg, the most

beautiful cities of Russia.

Ann:I have always wanted to travel to other countries, but I haven't had the opportunity. I

went to Germany in my childhood, but I haven't been anywhere since then

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Вот план только он на английском языке написан.
1 Name
2 Where does it live?
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Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст, на английский язык.

" На этих каникулах я отдохнула хорошо. Этим летом мы с семьёй поехали в Астану. Там мы были 1 неделю. Астана красивый город, особенно ночью. Мне там очень понравилось. После Астаны мы поехали в Боровое. Там тоже очень красиво, свежий воздух. В боровом мы были 3 дня. Потом мы приехали домой. В Павлодаре я ходила на улицу. Гуляла с друзьями, с семьёй. А 21 августа мы поехали в Баянаул. Там мы ходили на речку, на скалы. В Баянауле мне тоже очень понравилось. Вот так прошли мои летнии каникулы. "
МНЕ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО. Пожалуйста! Помогите перевести текст на английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста. Нужно составить сочинение на английском языке по теме "ЭКОЛОГИЯ". Небольшое где-то 8 предложений.

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